ISRAEL THE NATION: Joseph in Egypt
(Study 2-A)

Four generations down from Abraham, we find the blessings of Yah's covenant really starting to take root. Jacob by his four wives fathered 12 sons, each destined to become the head of a mighty division within the developing nation. The story of this people's rise to greatness is quite a significant one for us, for just as Yah Himself never changes, (Mal 3:6), so have His dealings with we spiritual "sons of Jacob" remained constant.

The story of Israel's blossoming significance begins with a case of sibling rivalry, extraordinary in its intensity and eternal in its effects upon the earth. One of Jacob's youngest sons, Joseph, was especially favored by his father. (Gen 37:3) Because of this, and certain spiritual gifts he possessed, his brothers desired to kill him.

At the urging of two of their number, the sons of Jacob decided instead to sell him into slavery, and the story of Israel as a people takes a dramatic turn here: with Joseph's arrival in the country of Egypt as a slave.

01) Who purchased Joseph as a slave upon his arrival in Egypt? (Gen 39:1-2)
02) How well did he perform in his duties? (Gen 39:2-6)
03) What great temptation befell him thereafter? (Gen 39:7)
04) How did he respond to this? (Gen 39:8-10)
05) What were the immediate results of this? (Gen 39:11-20)
06) How was he comforted in this situation? (Gen 39:21-23)
07) Who were the two men thrown in prison for angering the Pharaoh? (Gen 40:1-3)
08) What did the men say to Joseph? (Gen 40:6-8)
09) What was the butler's dream? (Gen 40:9-11)
10) What did Joseph say about this? (Gen 40:12-13)
11) What did he ask of the butler? (Gen 40:13-15)
12) How did this work in his favor later on? (Gen 41:1-14)
13) What was Pharaoh's dream? (Gen 41:17-24)
14) How did Joseph interpret this dream? (Gen 41:29-31)
15) In what way did this change his life? (Gen 41:38-43)
16) What were the names of Joseph's two sons? (Gen 41:51,52)
17) Was Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's dream sound? (Gen 41:53,54)
18) How did this affect the country? (Gen 41:56,57;42:1,2)
19) How did Joseph eventually respond to his brothers when they went to him? (Gen 45:4-8)
20) What did he have his family do? (Gen 45:9-11,21,25-28; 46:1)